Call it nostalgia but my old blog popped into my head today and I thought...if it still comes up when I search why not enter a post. I quickly approaching 11 years with my sisterlocks and K must say like most things I'm wondering if my locked journey is soon coming to an end. I love my locks but like most things change and growth is inevitable. My locks certainly aren't at the length is hoped they be but they are in a good haven't lost many locks through the years but I still struggle with the build up issue. I've tried many shampoos and towels throughout the years but the fact is if I don't sleep with a bonnet (which I hate) or if I don't keep a bonnet on for most of the day I'm in the house (which won't happen) lint somehow find its way into my hair. All in all its been a good journey. I'm now think of taking the certification class and seeing where that journey leads me. Until next time.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Look whose back! 11 years and counting
Posted by Kay exquisite at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2015
7 years
Its been 7 years and my locks are still going strong. I have cut off all the color and they are healthy. I Think I'm in the place where many lockers get to at this point. Do I cut my locks and do something new or do I continue on with my journey? We will see in the months to come either way its been an incredible journey.
Posted by Kay exquisite at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 12, 2013
Don't Call it a Come BAck!
Hey All. I'm been a while since I've broken out the ole blog but I'm still here.
As for my locks they are going through some major changes. I have been experiencing some serious breakage and unraveling within the past year and a half that no matter what I have done including switching back to the sisterlock starter shampoo has done nothing to help. Its due to a combination of color damage and soft ends from conditioning my locks and using moisturizing shampoos in an effort to keep my colored hair moisturized enough so that it would break. To top it off I went about 6 weeks without a reti recently because my tool got lost and I didn't feel like paying the ridiculous price to get it replaced from the home office and it took me a while to find a consultant in my city.
What to watch out for ladies.... trainees and consultants that never even ask you what your pattern is before they attempt to start doing your hair, especially if you maintain your hair yourself. I found that a lot where I am and even though they "say" they are doing your pattern watch them. I had two consultants do the wrong pattern in my hair after I told them what my pattern was. The first time i didn't realize it until they were basically done because I was facing away from the mirror and with the second person I noticed right away because I was watching them like a hawk. This wouldn't be a big deal except I don't plan on going to them continuously and when I go back to retightening my hair and do a different pattern it will cause areas of weakness in my locks from the continuous switching of patterns.
I'm still loving my locks but I feel like its been the same length for the last year and a half due to all the breakage. I have also been clipping my ends every couple of months to try and keep them even. That does seem to help with the shedding for a little. Good news is all the color I had in my hair is almost gone so it should be smooth sailing within a few months if I keep clipping it.
Pictures to follow...
Posted by Kay exquisite at 10:01 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Hey everyone, Hurricane Sandy Hit Jamaica a couple of days ago and almost completely destroyed the small town I am from. A lot of my family members and close friends have lost everything with this storm, their houses have been completely blown down or flooded and some were seriously injured. The roof of the school in the district was completely blown off and the local markets destroyed.
There is now No Running water, No Electricity, their farms have been destroyed, the beach they fished from has been destroyed by large boulders that washed up during the storm so they have very little food. There has been an increase of mosquitos and sand flies due to the lingering water which is leading to an increase incidence of Dengue Fever according to the Jamaican Ministry of Health.
This is an extremely underserved community in a rural area and these people have nothing left and no means of rebuilding. I know this is a rough time for most people but I am asking if any of you or your friends/family members will join me in the effort of helping this community by providing disaster relief.
We are collecting monetary donations to help meet some of their immediate needs and material donations in the form of nonperishable food, clothing, sheets, first aid supplies, shoes, diapers etc. anything you are willing to give is much appreciated.
You can go to this website to donate or donate directly from paypal to or inbox me if you have material goods you would like to donate and I’ll give you more information, every little bit helps. Thanks so much
Posted by Kay exquisite at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 3, 2012
3 year old locks!
Tomorrow marks my 3 year lockversary! Yay! its surely has been a journey and even theough all the ups and downs I'm still in love with my locks. I'll be sure to post some updated pictures soon. ;-)
Posted by Kay exquisite at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 9, 2012
holiday pictures
Posted by Kay exquisite at 12:05 PM 4 comments
LOok what the cat dragged in
Hey All Its been a looong time I know. Life has a way of sweeping you off your feet and carrying you into uncharted territories for months before you even realize you've left your business as usual day and mindset. All that being said things are going really well on my end, I am in the clinical portion of my Chiropractic education soooo if any of you are in need of a chiropractor and in the Florida area hit me up I would love to be your student intern ;-)!
On the sisterlock front I have news..... I CUT MY LOCKS! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.....
Just kidding LOL but they have been going through some serious changes which have made me wonder if I should cut them.. short, not off to get rid of all my color and just start over with my uncolored new growth. The problem is that my hair has never done well with chemicals, be it relaxers or color ( especially color) this is the same problem I faced when I was a loose natural and colored my hair I loved it and then months later my hair started freaking out and breaking off at an alarming rate which is whats happening with my locks. ( I should have known better right?!?) Its growing really well but my colored end are breaking despite efforts of deep conditioning and things of that nature which just aid in my hair becoming very soft and unlocking. Decisions decisions...
I am still very much in love with my locks though, more so now than ever. My grid is still intact almost 3 years later ( a testament to the absolutely amazing job my initial consultant, Claire Greene did, and the ease of DYI after taking the reti class) They are at an awesome length, I wear my hair out quite often now and I don't curl it much these days either but when I do curl it or put it in a updo it looks great. It has so much bounce and it never looks dry so aside from the color breakage issue My hair is doing wonderfully. I'll post a few pictures of some styles I wore for a holiday party I went to and some comparison shots a little later.
I've also been considering becoming a consultant myself.... Hmm what do you guys think?
Posted by Kay exquisite at 11:49 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 15, 2011
Still here
Hey all, First I'd like to say big thanks to Gigglz for the creative page shout out I haven't had a chance to post it but I will. Life has been so busy I have not had a lot of time to post but I have still have been following many of my fav blogs.

Posted by Kay exquisite at 7:12 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 7, 2011
Totally missed my 2 year Anniversary!!!!
Wohooo Its been two years since I've been Sisterlocked and I'm still loving my locks, lets take a look back shall we!
Spicy Locks!
Posted by Kay exquisite at 2:32 PM 7 comments
Monday, February 28, 2011
I Choose....
Posted by Kay exquisite at 1:29 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 17, 2011
Posted by Kay exquisite at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 9, 2011
This is the style I did for a Christmas party and a wedding I went to. For the Christmas party I wore it as is in the pictures and for the wedding I did tiny bantu knots and connected them together where the loose hair is on the side and left the bang out. I didn't take any close ups of it then though. It was a simple twist back with bigger twist in the back. I didn't want my hair sticking straight up so that's why I pinned it to the side.
Posted by Kay exquisite at 7:23 PM 2 comments