I have needs, strong needs that need to be met. No its not what you think, recently I have been a little off with my work, with school and with my friends. I find myself evaluationg all those around me and just trying to find those outside of my family that truly give me comfort. I'm really in search of some Sex and theCity friends, some girls who really have my back no matter what. People who I can disclose my inner feelings to, my problems, my hopes, my secrets, my inner turmoil and have them really just listen, throw some advice my way and leave it alone. I want a Jack, quirky and full of sarcasm to offset my seriousness and I want a Will to be my cuddle buddy, no strings attatched, no chance of them trying to put the moves on me, just comfort. Yeah I mixed TV shows so what its my blog... anywhoo I can't help but wonder if S&C's really happen. I mean do they exist? My favorite TV show is Sex and the City and I watch as these women end up in their various situations time after time but the one thing that is consistant is the sisterhood they share. Its the bond that through all the men, mistakes and arguments is never broken. I can't help but wonder where my S&C's are.
Heres to you very own S&C's,
Kay Exquisite